Goals and Plans for 2024
And how will this benefit me in the next year in the job market?- well Hello there, I am a full-stack software Engineer and I want to share some ideas that I feel would benefit me in 2024 but also might benefit someone reading this out there.
As you may already know the job market is still kind of "hectic" and are looking at certain skills as a default mandatory for Engineers and Developers who are trying to make a start. Here are some ideas that I am implementing in my journey as a full-stack software engineer. Even though a large portion of these ideas are more meant for the backend I still would like to be able to do more backend jobs than the frontend but will still lay out most ideas for both parties to think about.
AWS (Cloud Computing)
Amazon Web Services which stands for "AWS" is a cloud hosting platform that manages more of the cloud part of our applications. AWS isn't the only one you can take as a Dev. There are other choices like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud but in my opinion, I would suggest AWS or Azure. Nothing against Google, I just don't see it in a lot of job applications like those two. We use these platforms to deploy our applications to the web and we can also fix issues in real-time inside of the cloud. Big plus, many companies are adopting it into their work environment so it would make sense to be part of something that is going to keep evolving in the workspace.
Learn React and Redux
For me I wanted to learn more about API's and dive even more deeper on the front-end of the scope of each of my projects. Which learning more about Javascript is actually a great combination with learning Python. The both of these two languages do co-exist very well together when they are both actually fun languages to learn even for beginners.
I chose react since it is very much a popular library to use when working with the front-end and having a state management is most likely a must when I need to provide updates to my own projects or even the clients projects.
Learn Typescipt
This one is more of after I get done learning more about React and Redux. Typescript is one way that provides more of a structure in my journey of learning Javascript. I don't see it as a mandatory thing to learn but more of something that I am open to extend my learning.
learn more Django Rest Framework
this is pretty much coming back into the API statement I've made. In Django I want to make more of full-stack projects to be and feel more like they are "Full-Stack". In Django there are certain packages that are helpful in ways of using JWT for our Authentication. And During that I will be learning about Serialization. Serialization is a way for django to take the information submitted from the frontend being entered in Json to be rendered to django to be readable for itself to process that data.